If you’re looking for simple ways to save energy at home (even if it’s to lower your electric bill), check out these energy-saving tips. Whether you’re using gas or electricity to heat and cool your home, these tricks will help you save energy and cut electricity costs.

Energy-saving Tips

To save money, do some things yourself. “Add weather stripping to drafty doors and caulk drafty windows,” says Zillow Lifestyle Expert Amanda Pendleton. Experts can look for other culprits. “Ducts are also a common source of leaks, so have your contractor look for holes, tears, and other signs of leaking ducts and seal them,” Pendleton says. A contractor can also check on other common sources of leaks in your home, including your chimney, plumbing stack, and attic door. Pendleton also suggests replacing your major appliances (such as the washer and dryer), with versions that include the Energy Star logo. “The US Department of Energy offers tax credits, rebates, and other savings which can help with the cost,” she says. You can also make smaller changes by replacing your light bulbs with energy-efficient bulbs or upgrading to a programmable thermostat. RELATED: Eco-Friendly Upgrades That Will Increase Your Home’s Value You might also curb your family’s TV or video game habits. Pendleton says that while the television itself isn’t a major energy suck, all of the combined gadgets such as your gaming system or sound system can be. Pendleton also suggests washing laundry in cold water when possible and cleaning the lint trap in your dryer for a quicker dry time. Unplug small appliances and close your chimney flue when they aren’t in use. Take showers instead of baths to reduce the amount of hot water needed. And scrape dishes clean instead of rinsing them before loading the dishwasher. While cooking, Pendleton says to use the smaller burner for smaller pots and pans to ensure you aren’t wasting additional heat. Starkey also suggests lowering your temperature in the winter and upping it in the summer. Even a change of a few degrees can impact your bill and your energy usage. A smart thermostat can help, too. Lower the temp while you’re gone and set your smart thermostat to kick on about 30 minutes before you’re due home, so the house is warm again for your arrival without unnecessarily heating it while no one’s home. Most utility companies will offer an energy audit to show you where your usage is going and how it might be lowered. If they don’t, Pendleton suggests reaching out to your local or state government to find a good energy auditor. Check with the Residential Energy Services Network for a directory of auditors in your area. “Not only can adding solar panels to a home save energy costs and help the environment, but Zillow research finds homes with solar panels sell for 2.6 percent more,” Pendleton says. RELATED: 8 Things You Can Do to Increase Fuel Efficiency and Save Money on Gas