“Exercise is hugely beneficial to our overall health and so it is very important for all of us to find a way to exercise safely, and with confidence, during the pandemic," says Gwen Murphy, PhD, MPH, epidemiologist and the director of epidemiology for LetsGetChecked. “Exercise will help us to keep our blood pressure down, and can help improve our mood, energy level, and even help us sleep better. In these stressful times, these things may matter now more than ever.” At the moment, she says, gyms are higher-risk areas because they’re usually enclosed spaces shared with others. However, many gyms and studios have pivoted, offering virtual classes and adjusting the way they operate in person. If you’re contemplating going back to the gym and want to make it a safer experience, follow this expert advice. “If you do end up going to your indoor gym, it is highly important that you take care of yourself as well as make sure your gym is consistently following COVID-19 safety protocol,” urges Ali S. Khan, MD, MPH, MBA, chief medical strategist for Unity Band. “There should not be more than your state’s allowed indoor percentage of people in the gym, everyone should be wearing masks at all times, you should be staying a safe six feet apart from each other, and staff should be wiping down all surfaces consistently.” Temperature checks at the door and access to hand sanitizer and/or a sink are also ideal. “Wipe down the surfaces with an EPA-approved disinfectant wipe that you are likely to come into contact with, such as seats, workout equipment, weights, and handles,” says Dr. Khan. “It would also be a good idea to bring your own personal equipment if your gym allows it, which would limit the number of communal objects you’re touching.” For example, you could bring your own weights, yoga matt, or jump rope. “During your lunch time or when Sunday football is on are examples of ways to easily avoid the crowds,” says Evan Jay, PA-C, ATC, a certified physician assistant and certified athletic trainer at Redefine Healthcare. “To make sure you are going to the gym during off hours, call your gym before leaving or ask the staff when they have experienced quiet periods, and also what day they experience this.” “Although gyms should be taking extreme precautions when it comes to mask wearing, social distancing, and cleaning the equipment with the help of the CDC’s preventative steps, the virus is known to spread from person-to-person through respiratory droplets when people cough, sneeze, or talk,” says Dr. Khan. “The less time you spend at the gym, the better.” “See if your gym has online classes; most of them do. This is a great way to stay in touch with your gym friends as well as still do a workout class with your favorite instructor,” says Jay. “Inviting a friend can also be a way to motivate yourself to attend [the virtual classes]. This also can save commuting time and is a great way to break away from your schedule.”